
Welcome to Pax Christi Texas

We are a fellowship of Pax Christi groups in Texas.  A regional branch of Pax Christi USA and affiliated with Pax Christi International Catholic peace movement.  Steeped in the Catholic tradition, our advocacy for peace and justice is based on the Church’s social teaching and on Jesus Christ’s lived example of prayer, nonviolence and solidarity with the poor. We are working to increase Pax Christi membership in Texas and assist in the formation of local groups.

In a world that settles differences by armed violence or the threat of it, Pax Christi offers a nonviolent alternative. In a world that too often defines  “revenge” as “justice”, Pax Christi breaks the cycle of violence by fostering reconciliation. In a world where countries invest more money in weapons than in the well-being of their people, Pax Christi calls individuals to disarm their hearts and work toward a world free of nuclear and conventional weapons.

Join with us to put your faith in action.

You are welcome to the Pax Christi Texas Second Social Justice Quarterly Forum “The Effects of Climate Change on our Health”

Presented by Dr. Adelita Cantu, University of Texas Health Science Center and Alan Montemayor, President of the Alamo Chapter of the Sierra Club

Thursday April 18. 2024 7 pm cst

Global warming has presented challenges to our health especially those with vulnerabilities. Learn about effects already present as well as those yet to be faced and what we will need to do about them.

The presentation will include a summary followed by open discussion.

Pax Christi Quarterly Social Justice Forums are open to the public and there is no charge.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 838 3609 4916

Passcode: 075118

For additional information contact: Arthur Dawes, Pax Christi Texas
